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JSON::UnblessObject - unbless object using JSON spec like Cpanel::JSON::XS::Type


    use JSON::UnblessObject qw(unbless_object);

    use Cpanel::JSON::XS::Type;

    package SomeEntity {
        sub new {
            my ($class, %args) = @_;
            return bless \%args, $class
        sub a { shift->{a} }
        sub b { shift->{b} }

    my $entity = SomeEntity->new(a => 123, b => 'HELLO');

    unbless_object($entity, { a => JSON_TYPE_INT });
    # => { a => 123 }

    unbless_object($entity, { b => JSON_TYPE_STRING });
    # => { b => 'HELLO' }

    unbless_object($entity, { a => JSON_TYPE_INT, b => JSON_TYPE_STRING });
    # => { a => 123, b => 'HELLO' }


JSON::UnblessObject is designed to assist with JSON encode. For example, an blessed object can be encoded using JSON spec:

    my $json = Cpanel::JSON::XS->new->canonical;
    sub encode_json {
        my ($data, $spec) = @_;

        $data = unbless_object($data, $spec) if blessed $data;
        $json->encode($data, $spec)

    encode_json($entity, { a => JSON_TYPE_INT });
    # => {"a":123}

    encode_json($entity, { b => JSON_TYPE_STRING });
    # => {"b":"HELLO"}

    encode_json($entity, { a => JSON_TYPE_INT, b => JSON_TYPE_STRING }),
    # => {"a":123,"b":"HELLO"}


The unbless_object function performs a resolver for a given object type.

resolve_arrayref($object, $spec)

When $spec is ARRAYREF, executes this function. $object must either have @{} overload or be an iterator with next method. If $spec is [JSON_TYPE_STRING, JSON_TYPE_STRING], then resolve like this list($object)->[0], list($object)->[1]. list function is an internal utility function that converts $object to arrayref.

resolve_hashref($object, $spec)

When $spec is HASHREF, executes this function. If $spec is { foo => JSON_TYPE_STRING, bar => JSON_TYPE_STRING }, then resolve like this { foo => $object->foo, bar => $object->bar }.

resolve_json_type_arrayof($object, $spec)

When $spec is Cpanel::JSON::XS::Type::ArrayOf, executes this function. $object must either have @{} overload or be an iterator with next method.

resolve_json_type_hashof($object, $spec)

When $spec is Cpanel::JSON::XS::Type::HashOf, executes this function. $object requires JSON_KEYS function. JSON_KEYS method is a whitelist of $object that are allowed to be published as JSON.

    package SomeEntity {
        sub new {
            my ($class, %args) = @_;
            return bless \%args, $class

        sub secret { shift->{secret} }

        sub a { shift->{a} }
        sub b { shift->{b} }

        # Do not include keys that cannot be published like `secret`
        sub JSON_KEYS { qw/a b/ }

    my $entity = SomeEntity->new(a => 1, b => 2, secret => 'XXX');
    unbless_object($entity, json_type_hashof(JSON_TYPE_STRING))
    # => { a => 1, b => 2 }
resolve_json_type_anyof($object, $spec)

When $spec is Cpanel::JSON::XS::Type::AnyOf, executes this function. If $object is available as array, it is resolved as array; if it is available as hash, it is resolved as hash; otherwise, it is resolved as scalar.




Copyright (C) kfly8.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


kfly8 <>