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Bencher::Scenario::PERLANCAR::In - Benchmark the task of checking whether an item is in an array


This document describes version 0.06 of Bencher::Scenario::PERLANCAR::In (from Perl distribution Bencher-Scenarios-PERLANCAR), released on 2017-01-25.


To run benchmark with default option:

 % bencher -m PERLANCAR::In

To run module startup overhead benchmark:

 % bencher --module-startup -m PERLANCAR::In

For more options (dump scenario, list/include/exclude/add participants, list/include/exclude/add datasets, etc), see bencher or run bencher --help.


Packaging a benchmark script as a Bencher scenario makes it convenient to include/exclude/add participants/datasets (either via CLI or Perl code), send the result to a central repository, among others . See Bencher and bencher (CLI) for more details.


Version numbers shown below are the versions used when running the sample benchmark.

Array::AllUtils 0.002


  • grep (perl_code)

    Code template:

     grep { $_ <op:raw> <needle> } @main::<haystack:raw>
  • first (perl_code)

    Code template:

     first { $_ <op:raw> <needle> } @main::<haystack:raw>
  • first (array) (perl_code)

    Function call template:

     Array::AllUtils::first(sub { $_ <op:raw> <needle> }, \@main::<haystack:raw>)
  • smartmatch (perl_code)

    Code template:

     use experimental "smartmatch"; <needle> ~~ @main::<haystack:raw>


  • 100 items

  • 10k

  • 1mil


Run on: perl: v5.24.0, CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) M-5Y71 CPU @ 1.20GHz (2 cores), OS: GNU/Linux LinuxMint version 17.3, OS kernel: Linux version 3.19.0-32-generic.

Benchmark with default options (bencher -m PERLANCAR::In):

 | participant   | dataset   | arg_needle | rate (/s)    |    time (ms)   | vs_slowest   |  errors   | samples |
 | first (array) | 1mil      | 1000000    |        5.2   | 190            |       1      |   0.00059 |      20 |
 | first (array) | 1mil      | 500000     |       10     |  96            |       2      |   0.00026 |      21 |
 | grep          | 1mil      | 1000000    |       32     |  31            |       6.2    |   0.00012 |      20 |
 | grep          | 1mil      | 1          |       32     |  31            |       6.2    | 6.5e-05   |      20 |
 | grep          | 1mil      | 500000     |       32     |  31            |       6.2    |   0.0001  |      20 |
 | first         | 1mil      | 1000000    |       38     |  27            |       7.2    | 9.5e-05   |      20 |
 | smartmatch    | 1mil      | 1000000    |       53     |  19            |      10      |   0.00012 |      21 |
 | first         | 1mil      | 500000     |       65     |  15            |      12      |   0.00013 |      20 |
 | smartmatch    | 1mil      | 500000     |      110     |   9.3          |      21      | 2.2e-05   |      20 |
 | first         | 1mil      | 1          |      260     |   3.9          |      49      |   3e-05   |      20 |
 | first (array) | 10k       | 10000      |      551     |   1.81         |     105      | 6.4e-07   |      20 |
 | first (array) | 10k       | 5000       |     1110     |   0.904        |     212      | 2.1e-07   |      20 |
 | grep          | 10k       | 10000      |     3380     |   0.296        |     646      | 1.9e-07   |      24 |
 | grep          | 10k       | 5000       |     3380     |   0.296        |     647      | 5.3e-08   |      20 |
 | grep          | 10k       | 1          |     3488.846 |   0.2866277    |     667.1007 |   1e-11   |      22 |
 | first         | 10k       | 10000      |     3790     |   0.264        |     725      | 5.2e-08   |      21 |
 | smartmatch    | 10k       | 10000      |     5527.91  |   0.1809       |    1056.99   |   0       |      20 |
 | first         | 10k       | 5000       |     6997.11  |   0.142916     |    1337.91   |   0       |      21 |
 | smartmatch    | 10k       | 5000       |    11042.7   |   0.0905574    |    2111.47   |   0       |      20 |
 | first         | 10k       | 1          |    50000     |   0.02         |    9500      |   2e-07   |      20 |
 | first (array) | 100 items | 100        |    53500     |   0.0187       |   10200      | 6.1e-09   |      24 |
 | first (array) | 100 items | 50         |   105000     |   0.00949      |   20100      | 3.1e-09   |      23 |
 | grep          | 100 items | 50         |   280000     |   0.0035       |   54000      | 4.9e-09   |      21 |
 | grep          | 100 items | 1          |   280000     |   0.0035       |   54000      | 8.3e-09   |      20 |
 | grep          | 100 items | 100        |   323760     |   0.0030887    |   61906      |   1e-11   |      20 |
 | first         | 100 items | 100        |   358000     |   0.0028       |   68400      | 8.7e-10   |      20 |
 | smartmatch    | 100 items | 100        |   530026     |   0.0018867    |  101346      |   0       |      20 |
 | first         | 100 items | 50         |   620000     |   0.0016       |  120000      | 3.3e-09   |      20 |
 | smartmatch    | 100 items | 50         |  1028000     |   0.0009727    |  196600      | 1.2e-11   |      20 |
 | first (array) | 10k       | 1          |  2253000     |   0.0004439    |  430700      |   9e-12   |      20 |
 | first (array) | 100 items | 1          |  2340000     |   0.000427     |  447000      | 1.8e-10   |      26 |
 | first (array) | 1mil      | 1          |  2349000     |   0.0004257    |  449200      | 1.2e-11   |      21 |
 | first         | 100 items | 1          |  3190000     |   0.000313     |  610000      | 1.1e-10   |      20 |
 | smartmatch    | 100 items | 1          | 14400000     |   0.0000693    | 2760000      | 8.8e-12   |      22 |
 | smartmatch    | 10k       | 1          | 14473400     |   0.0000690925 | 2767440      |   0       |      20 |
 | smartmatch    | 1mil      | 1          | 15800000     |   0.0000631    | 3030000      | 5.7e-11   |      20 |

Benchmark module startup overhead (bencher -m PERLANCAR::In --module-startup):

 | participant         | proc_private_dirty_size (kB) | proc_rss_size (MB) | proc_size (MB) | time (ms) | mod_overhead_time (ms) | vs_slowest |  errors | samples |
 | Array::AllUtils     | 844                          | 4.1                | 16             |       9.4 |                    1.2 |        1   | 4.3e-05 |      20 |
 | perl -e1 (baseline) | 844                          | 4.1                | 16             |       8.2 |                    0   |        1.2 | 1.1e-05 |      20 |

To display as an interactive HTML table on a browser, you can add option --format html+datatables.


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Source repository is at


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.


perlancar <>


This software is copyright (c) 2017 by

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.