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    AI::MXNet::NDArray::Sparse - Sparse NDArray API of MXNet


    The base class of an NDArray stored in a sparse storage format.
    See AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR and AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse for more details.


    Return a dense PDL object with value copied from this array


        Returns a copy of the array after casting to a specified type.
        dtype : Dtype
            The type of the returned array.
        >>> $x = mx->nd->sparse->zeros('row_sparse', [2,3], dtype=>'float32')
        >>> $y = $x->astype('int32')
        >>> $y->dtype
        <type 'int32'>


        Copies the value of this array to another array.

        other : NDArray or NDArray::CSR or NDArray::RowSparse or Context
            The destination array or context.

        NDArray or CSRNDArray::CSR or NDArray::RowSparse
            The copied array.


        Check whether the NDArray format is valid.

        full_check : bool, optional
            If `True`, rigorous check, O(N) operations. Otherwise
            basic check, O(1) operations (default True).


        A deep copy NDArray of the data array associated with the BaseSparseNDArray.

        This function blocks. Do not use it in performance critical code.


        Get a deep copy NDArray of the i-th aux data array associated with the

        This function blocks. Do not use it in performance critical code.


    AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR - A sparse representation of 2D NDArray in the Compressed Sparse Row format.


    A AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR represents an AI::MXNet::NDArray as three separate arrays: `data`,
    `indptr` and `indices`. It uses the CSR representation where the column indices for
    row i are stored in ``indices[indptr[i]:indptr[i+1]]`` and their corresponding values are stored
    in ``data[indptr[i]:indptr[i+1]]``.

    The column indices for a given row are expected to be sorted in ascending order.
    Duplicate column entries for the same row are not allowed.

    >>> $a = mx->nd->array([[0, 1, 0], [2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 3]]);
    >>> $a = $a->tostype('csr');
    >>> $a->data->aspdl;
    [ 1  2  3]
    >>> $a->indices->aspdl
    [1 0 2]
    >>> $a->indptr->aspdl
    [0 1 2 2 3]

    See Also
    csr_matrix: Several ways to construct a CSRNDArray


        Returns a newly created array based on the indexing key.

        key : int or array ref
            Indexing key.

        >>> $indptr = [0, 2, 3, 6];
        >>> $indices = [0, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2];
        >>> $data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
        >>> $a = mx->nd->sparse->csr_matrix([$data, $indices, $indptr], shape=>[3, 3])
        >>> $a->aspdl
            [[ 1  0  2]
             [ 0  0  3]
             [ 4  5  6]]
        >>> $a->slice([1,2])->aspdl
        [[ 0  0  3]]
        >>> $a->slice(1)->aspdl
        [[ 0  0  3]]
        >>> $a->[-1]->aspdl
        [[ 4  5  6]]


        Set self to value. Also usable as overloaded .=

        value : AI::MXNet::NDArray or AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR
                or PDL/PDL::CCS::Nd/perl array ref in PDL constructor format
            The value to set.

        >>> $src = mx->nd->sparse->zeros('csr', [3,3])
        >>> $src->aspdl
              [[ 0  0  0]
               [ 0  0  0]
               [ 0  0  0]]
        >>> # AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR with same storage type
        >>> $x = mx->nd->ones('row_sparse', [3,3])->tostype('csr')
        >>> $x .= $src
        >>> $x->aspdl
              [[ 1  1  1]
               [ 1  1  1]
               [ 1  1  1]]
        >>> # assign NDArray to AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR
        >>> $x .= mx->nd->ones([3,3]) * 2
        >>> $x->aspdl
              [[ 2  2  2]
               [ 2  2  2]
               [ 2  2  2]]


        A deep copy NDArray of the indices array of the AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR.
        This generates a deep copy of the column indices of the current `csr` matrix.

            This AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR indices array.


        A deep copy NDArray of the inptr array of the AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR.
        This generates a deep copy of the indptr of the current `csr` matrix.

            This AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR indptr array.


        A deep copy NDArray of the data array of the AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR.
        This generates a deep copy of the data of the current `csr` matrix.

            This AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR data array.


        Return a copy of the array with chosen storage type.

        NDArray or AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR 
            A copy of the array with the chosen storage stype


        Copies the value of this array to another array.

        If $other is a AI::MXNet::NDArray or AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR object, then $other->shape and
        $self->shape should be the same. This function copies the value from
        $self to $other.

        If $other is a context, a new AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR will be first created on
        the target context, and the value of $self is copied.

        $other : AI::MXNet::NDArray or AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR or AI::MXNet::Context
            The destination array or context.

        AI::MXNet::NDArray or AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR

    Returns a PDL::CCS::Nd object with value copied from this array


    AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse - A sparse representation of a set of NDArray row slices at given indices.


    A AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse represents a multidimensional NDArray using two separate arrays: `data` and
    `indices`. The number of dimensions has to be at least 2.

    - data: an NDArray of any dtype with shape [D0, D1, ..., Dn].
    - indices: a 1-D int64 NDArray with shape [D0] with values sorted in ascending order.

    The `indices` stores the indices of the row slices with non-zeros,
    while the values are stored in `data`. The corresponding NDArray ``dense``
    represented by AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse ``rsp`` has

    ``dense[rsp.indices[i], :, :, :, ...] =[i, :, :, :, ...]``

        >>> $dense->aspdl
              [[ 1  2  3 ]
               [ 0  0  0 ]
               [ 4  0  5 ]
               [ 0  0  0 ]
               [ 0  0  0 ]]
        >>> $rsp = $dense->tostype('row_sparse');
        >>> $rsp->indices->aspdl
              [ 0 2 ]
        >>> $rsp->data->aspdl
              [[ 1  2 3 ]
               [ 4  0 5 ]]

    A AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse is typically used to represent non-zero row slices of a large NDArray
    of shape [LARGE0, D1, .. , Dn] where LARGE0 >> D0 and most row slices are zeros.

    AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse is used principally in the definition of gradients for operations
    that have sparse gradients (e.g. sparse dot and sparse embedding).

    See Also
    row_sparse_array: Several ways to construct a AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse


        Set self to value. Also usable as overloaded .=

        value : AI::MXNet::NDArray or AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR
                or PDL/PDL::CCS::Nd/perl array ref in PDL constructor format
            The value to set.

        >>> $src = mx->nd->sparse->zeros('raw_sparse', [3,3])
        >>> $src->aspdl
              [[ 0  0  0]
               [ 0  0  0]
               [ 0  0  0]]
        >>> # AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse with same storage type
        >>> $x = mx->nd->ones('row_sparse', [3,3])
        >>> $src .= $x
        >>> $src->aspdl
              [[ 1  1  1]
               [ 1  1  1]
               [ 1  1  1]]
        >>> # assign NDArray to AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse
        >>> $x .= mx->nd->ones([3,3]) * 2
        >>> $x->aspdl
              [[ 2  2  2]
               [ 2  2  2]
               [ 2  2  2]]


        A deep copy NDArray of the data array of the AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse.
        This generates a deep copy of the data of the current `row_sparse` matrix.

            This AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse data array.


        A deep copy NDArray of the indices array of the AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse.
        This generates a deep copy of the column indices of the current `row_sparse` matrix.

            This AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse indices array.


        A deep copy NDArray of the data array of the AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse.
        This generates a deep copy of the data of the current `row_sparse` matrix.

            This AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse data array.


        Return a copy of the array with chosen storage type.

        NDArray or RowSparseNDArray
            A copy of the array with the chosen storage stype


        Copies the value of this array to another array.

        If $other is a AI::MXNet::NDArray or AI::MXNet::NDArray::RawSparse object, then $other->shape and
        $self->shape should be the same. This function copies the value from
        $self to $other.

        If $other is a context, a new AI::MXNet::NDArray::RawSparse will be first created on
        the target context, and the value of $self is copied.

        $other : AI::MXNet::NDArray or AI::MXNet::NDArray::RawSparse or AI::MXNet::Context
            The destination array or context.

        AI::MXNet::NDArray or AI::MXNet::NDArray::RawSparse


    Creates a AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR, an 2D array with compressed sparse row (CSR) format.

    The AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR can be instantiated in several ways:

    - csr_matrix($arg1, Maybe[AI::MXNet::Context] :$ctx=, Maybe[Shape] :$shape, Maybe [Dtype] :$dtype=)
        $ctx, $shape, $dtype are optional
        $arg1 can be given in following variants

    - to construct a AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR with a dense 2D array $arg1
            - $arg1 is in AI::MXNet::NDArray::array input format

    - to construct a AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR with a sparse 2D array $arg1
            $arg1 is AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR or PDL::CCS::Nd - A sparse matrix.
            PDL::CCS::Nd is expected to be converted internally into CSR format
            AI::MXNet injects 'tocsr' method into PDL and PDL::CCS::Nd modules for this purpose.

    - to construct an empty AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR with shape $arg1 = [$M, $N]
            -  $M - Number of rows in the matrix
            -  $N - Number of columns in the matrix

    - to construct a AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR based on the definition of compressed sparse row format
        using three separate arrays,
        where the column indices for row i are stored in ``indices[indptr[i]:indptr[i+1]]``
        and their corresponding values are stored in ``data[indptr[i]:indptr[i+1]]``.
        The column indices for a given row are expected to be **sorted in ascending order.**
        Duplicate column entries for the same row are not allowed.
        In this case $arg1 = [$data, $indices, $indptr]
            $data, $indices, $indptr must be given in the AI::MXNet::NDArray::array input format
            - $data - holds all the non-zero entries of the matrix in row-major order.
            - $indices - stores the column index for each non-zero element in $data.
            stores the column index for each non-zero element in $data.
            - $indptr  - stores the offset into $data of the first non-zero element number of each
            row of the matrix.

        to construct a AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR based on the COOrdinate format
        using three seperate arrays, 
        where ``row[i]`` is the row index of the element,
        ``col[i]`` is the column index of the element
        and ``data[i]`` is the data corresponding to the element. All the missing
        elements in the input are taken to be zeroes.
        In this case $arg1 = [$data, [$row, $col]]
            $data, $row, $col must be given in the AI::MXNet::NDArray::array input format
            $data - holds all the non-zero entries of the matrix in COO format.
            $row - stores the row index for each non zero element in $data.
            - **col** (*array_like*) - An object exposing the array interface, which
            $col - stores the col index for each non zero element in $data.

        A AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR with the 'csr' storage representation.

    >>> $a = mx->nd->sparse->csr_matrix([[1, 2, 3], [1, 0, 2], [0, 1, 2, 2, 3]], shape => [4, 3])
    >>> $a->aspdl
          [[ 0  1  0]
           [ 2  0  0]
           [ 0  0  0]
           [ 0  0  3]]

    See Also
    CSRNDArray : MXNet NDArray in compressed sparse row format.


    Creates a AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse, a multidimensional row sparse array with a set of
    tensor slices at given indices.

    The AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse can be instantiated in several ways:

    - row_sparse_array($arg1, Maybe[AI::MXNet::Context] :$ctx=, Maybe[Shape] :$shape, Maybe [Dtype] :$dtype=)
        $ctx, $shape, $dtype are optional
        $arg1 can be given in following variants

    - to construct a AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse with a dense array $arg1
            - $arg1 is in AI::MXNet::NDArray::array input format

    - to construct a AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse with a sparse array $arg1
            $arg1 is AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse

    - to construct an empty AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse with shape $arg1 = [$D1, $D1, ...$DN]

    - to construct a RowSparseNDArray based on the definition of row sparse format
        using two separate arrays,
        where the $indices stores the indices of the row slices with non-zeros,
        while the values are stored in $data. The corresponding NDArray dense
        represented by RowSparse rsp has
        dense[rsp.indices[i], :, :, :, ...] =[i, :, :, :, ...]
        The row indices for are expected to be **sorted in ascending order.
        $arg1 = [$data, $indices]
            $data, $indices must be given in the AI::MXNet::NDArray::array input format

        A AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse with the 'row_sparse' storage representation.

    >>> $a = mx->nd->sparse->row_sparse_array([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [1, 4]], shape=>[6, 2])
    >>> $a->aspdl
          [[ 0  0]
           [ 1  2]
           [ 0  0]
           [ 0  0]
           [ 3  4]
           [ 0  0]]


    Return a new array of given shape and type, filled with zeros.

    $stype: string
        The storage type of the empty array, such as 'row_sparse', 'csr', etc
    shape : int or array ref of int
        The shape of the empty array
    :$ctx : AI::MXNet::Context, optional
        An optional device context (default is the current default context)
    :$dtype : Dtype, optional
        An optional value type (default is `float32`)

    AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse or AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR
        A created array
    >>> mx->nd->sparse->zeros('csr', [1,2])
    <AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR 1x2 @cpu(0)>
    >>> mx->nd->sparse->zeros('row_sparse', [1,2], ctx=>mx->cpu(), dtype=>'float16')->aspdl
    [[ 0  0]]


    Returns a new array of given shape and type, without initializing entries.

    stype: string
        The storage type of the empty array, such as 'row_sparse', 'csr', etc
    shape : int or array ref of int
        The shape of the empty array.
    ctx : Context, optional
        An optional device context (default is the current default context).
    dtype : Dtype, optional
        An optional value type (default is `float32`).

    AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR or AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse
        A created array.


    Creates a sparse array from any object exposing the array interface.

    $source_array : AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse, AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR or PDL::CCS::Nd
        The source sparse array
    :$ctx : Context, optional
        The default context is $source_array->context if $source_array is an NDArray.
        The current default context otherwise.
    :$dtype : Dtype, optional
        The data type of the output array. The default dtype is $source_array->dtype
        if $source_array is an AI::MXNet::NDArray, PDL or PDL::CCS::Nd
        'float32' otherwise.

    AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse or AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR
        An array with the same contents as the $source_array.

    >>> use PDL; use PDL::CCS::Nd
    >>> $csr = zeros([100, 2])->tocsr
    >>> mx->nd->sparse->array($csr)
    <AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR 2x100 @cpu(0)>
    >>> mx->nd->sparse->array(mx->nd->sparse->zeros('csr', [3, 2]))
    <AI::MXNet::NDArray::CSR 3x2 @cpu(0)>
    >>> mx->nd->sparse->array(mx->nd->sparse->zeros('row_sparse', [3, 2]))
    <AI::MXNet::NDArray::RowSparse 3x2 @cpu(0)>